Your Tree
Tree Facts
Directions to Bakersfield Tree Farm
About Bakersfield Tree Farm
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Bakersfield Tree Farm
405 Fairfield Road (Rte 36)
PO Box 202, Bakersfield, VT 05441

Open the day after Thanksgiving through December 24th.
Mon-Sun, 8am to 5pm

Member NH + VT
Christmas Tree Assoc.


Looking for land, a residential or seasonal home in the area?
Visit Blue Spruce Realty now!

Updated 11/5/15

your tree phrase

Pine trees shed their inside needles every fall, and sometimes these needles lodge among the branches. You may notice some crispy brown needles 'inside' the tree, clinging to the branches.  This is normal for an evergreen; it is not the sign of an 'old' tree. Also, our pre-cut trees are cut fresh daily.

spacer To keep your tree fresh as long as possible, we recommend:

Once you have the tree home, make a fresh cut, straight across the tree trunk, about an inch above the original cut. This re-opens the tree stem 'arteries' so it can take up water. Then, plunge the trunk end immediately into fresh water. Do not let the water level drop below this fresh cut in your display stand, or a seal will again form, and you'll need to cut it-- again. And, this would require tipping your tree, and the lights and ornaments on it...

Christmas trees can absorb up to a gallon of water per day. A lot. A well-watered tree is much less of a fire hazard and will scent your home much better than a dry one. So, check and refill the water in your tree's stand at least daily.

Bakersfield Tree Farm VT

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