

Your Tree
Tree Facts
Directions to Bakersfield Tree Farm
About Bakersfield Tree Farm
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Bakersfield Tree Farm
405 Fairfield Road (Rte 36)
PO Box 202, Bakersfield, VT 05441

Open the day after Thanksgiving through December 24th.
Mon-Sun, 8am to 5pm

Member NH + VT
Christmas Tree Assoc.


Looking for land, a residential or seasonal home in the area?
Visit Blue Spruce Realty.

Updated 11/5/15

Generally, Bakersfield Tree Farm (VT) is 45 minutes Northeast of Burlington, 15 minutes East of St. Albans and 20 minutes North of Smugglers Notch Ski Area.

tree shotSpecifically, we are on Rte 36, one quarter of a mile West of Bakersfield's intersection of Rte. 36 and Rte 108 [towards St. Albans]. Look for our large sign on the South side of Route 36.

Both GoogleMaps and Yahoo Maps can accurately find our physical street address at 405 Fairfield Road (Rte 36) in Bakersfield, VT.

Take Interstate 89, following it to Exit 19. Follow the ramp/interstate access road to Route 104, turn right on 104 North (also called Fairfax Rd). Follow this briefly to the stop light at the intersection of Route 36, (also called Fairfield Hill Road). Turn Right on Route 36, travelling over the interstate, and East, up the steep hill.

Follow Route 36 East through Fairfield and East Fairfield to Bakersfield. Look for our sign and driveway on your right, just before the hill. [If you reach Route 108, you missed us but only by 1/4 mile. Turn around. As the hill on Route 36 levels out again, we will be on your left. Look for our white, hand-painted sign.]

We have plenty of free, off-street parking.

map to Bakersfield Tree Farm, VT

Please email us at, or call us at
802-827-3042, If we are not available, please leave us a message, and we will get back to you promptly.